4 de janeiro de 2007

Os 10 filmes do ano segundo a crítica Dana Stevens

A crítica de cinema da Slate, Dana Stevens, elegeu "Babel", "Children of Men", "Little Miss Sunshine", "A Prairie Home Companion" e "The Queen", entre outros, como os melhores filmes de 2006.

The Top 10 Movies of 2006
A family road trip; a world without babies; and, yes, Babel.
By Dana Stevens
Posted Friday, Dec. 29, 2006, at 12:48 PM ET

First, a disclaimer: No critic who gave birth to her first child last Feb. 14 can reasonably lay claim to an exhaustive knowledge of the movie year that followed. There were at least four months there during which the only movies I managed to catch were the fatigue-induced hallucinations on the inside of my own eyelids. But in mid-June, I started as Slate's film critic, a job that, along with the aforementioned child, has made 2006 my personal best year ever. It was a pretty terrific year for movies, too, despite Fur and Apocalypto and My Super Ex-Girlfriend.

Para ler em Slate.com - Movies

1 comentário:

Augusto disse...

Passem por http://www.falcaoecomparsas.blogspot.com e votem no melhor filme do ano. Obrigado!