7 de julho de 2008

Spoilers ou twists surpreendentes...

A surpresa que "Hancock" reserva aos espectadores do grande ecrã está a gerar alguma polémica no meio. Enquanto os críticos desaprovam o twist, o público faz do filme um êxito de bilheteira. A CNN aproveitou a confusão para recordar alguns momentos inesquecíveis da história do cinema que, para quem não viu os respectivos filmes, pode representar um gigantesco spoiler.

Spoiler alert! 'Hancock's' twist causes controversy

LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- A Will Smith movie packs in millions of people over Fourth of July weekend. No surprises there.
Yet Smith's "Hancock," the tale of an anti-social boozer who happens to be a superhero, comes with an abrupt plot twist, one that has divided critics and the moviegoing public in the real world. (Critics and everyone else can't agree. Now there's a real surprise.)
For those who have yet to see "Hancock," we won't give the secret away, but it has something to do with why Charlize Theron's soccer-mom-style character doesn't want Smith's surly superhero anywhere near her family.
Critics generally thought the turn the movie takes halfway through was a cheat, spoiling what had been a promising idea that was a fresh twist on the superhero genre in its own right. CNN.com's Tom Charity described the twist as coming "so far out of left field you would need a crystal ball to see it coming."
The people who turned "Hancock" into an instant blockbuster beg to differ -- to the sum of $185 million worldwide at the box office in just a few days.

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